I have set up a number of blogs over the last six months to record my progress in painting a number of 28mm wargames armies.
Mostly progress has been slow due to the fact that I cannot concentrate on any one army for very long! Recently I have spent a lot of time painting Dark Ages figures and so it seemed sensible to pull progress on these armies together in one site.
The first historical metal 28mm figures I bought were some Gripping Beast Saxons and Vikings about five or six years before at Salute 2001. Up until then all the figures I had bought and painted were 20mm plastics, which I liked for the realistic anatomy as compared with most metal figures which seemed to have ridiculously big heads. However, when I saw the GB figures at Salute I was convinced for the first time to invest in some lead and bought a bunch of Saxons and Vikings.
I am now currently working on 8 Dark Ages Armies: Late Saxons, Vikings, Carolingians, Early Saxons, Romano-British, Byzantine, Irish and Seljuks. I am also contemplating some Reconquista armies and a Crusader army as well. Usually I pick my armies on the basis of a figure range but this has not always been that easy with my Dark Ages forces and so I have struggled with some armies.